Saturday, May 16, 2009


3 Hard-to-say* Phrases

Many people will say certain things because they wrongly assume they are creating the right impression and will equally wrongly avoid certain other statements for the same reason.

I Don’t Know

It’s amazing how many people are afraid of these words, who think that by using them they will somehow appear inadequate.

I told my boss that I could make only two guarantees. First, that if I don’t know something, I would tell him. Second, that when I didn’t know something, I would find out about it before he could ask about it for the second time.

What these people fail to realize is that not admitting what you don’t know can lead to suspicion about what you do know.

I Need Help

People are often afraid to ask for help or to accept it because they believe that somehow this will show that they are inadequate in their job. If they would think about it for a moment, they would realize that the system is set up for getting and receiving help.

Not asking is a short-sighted and narrow minded view. Asking for help is the way to learn, the way to expand your knowledge, your expertise, and your value. It also demonstrates the willingness to work with others.

There are limitations, of course. Asking for the same kind of help repeatedly might indicate some sort of learning disability and helper might be frustrated.

Accepting help and giving it are going to be remembered and acknowledged by any bighearted person.

I Was Wrong

The main problem with people is being afraid to make a mistake. There is a philosophy which says that if you aren’t making mistakes you aren’t trying hard enough.

The people who are least secure about their abilities have the hardest time admitting their mistakes. They fail to realize that making a mistake and admitting it – owning up to it – are two totally separate acts. It is not the mistake itself but how a mistake is handled that forms lasting impression.

An ability to say “I was wrong” is essential to success because it’s energizing. It allows the person to “get on it,” to put their mistakes behind them, and to move on to other things which may contribute to their next big success.


* Normally in business situations


đєuиħøłүguy said...

nice post dude

kaidha said...

Very true indeed...but you forgot...some ppl find it so hard to say im sorry too

Heuristic Ideas ( Baxxam) said...

salhi....maame bodhah

Muuthish said...

Exchange I dont know with I am sorry, thats it fer me!

Masudh said...

@7..., Thanks

@kaidha, I agree with you, thanks for the wise comment. I tried to focus more on business 'Hard-to-say's. Anyways 'Sorry' also count in some business situations.


@ Muuthiish, heheh

Thanks Everyone